One of the areas we decided to invest our time was in subtle little effects like night mode with a dark theme and CSS rollover effects over images. The latter one has been praised by a number of our readers and we have received quite a few requests asking how we did it, so I will try to lay it all out here in this post.
When I was designing the site in Sketch I started playing with some ideas of using dramatic shadows that I used when I was designing my personal site. Here’s an example ( of long shadows for text.
徐々にワイヤレスのEarphone や Headphone の利用者が増えていますね。
[amazonjs asin=”B01G16PY2A” locale=”JP” title=”Bose QuietControl 30 wireless headphones ワイヤレスノイズキャンセリングイヤホン ネックバンド式/Bluetooth対応/コントローラブル・ノイズキャンセレーション機能搭載/リモコン・マイク付き ブラック QuietControl30 WLSS BLK【国内正規品】”]