We share a lot of articles on branding and visual identity. Most of the work we feature is very clean and tend to be super digital for lack of better term. What I want to say, that most of the symbols and logos lose a bit of the original traces from the sketch phases. Ride & Sons is a different case. The project was shared by BMD DESIGN and it has this really cool style that preserves the drawing irregular form to add a lot of personality and character to the brand.
徐々にワイヤレスのEarphone や Headphone の利用者が増えていますね。
[amazonjs asin=”B01G16PY2A” locale=”JP” title=”Bose QuietControl 30 wireless headphones ワイヤレスノイズキャンセリングイヤホン ネックバンド式/Bluetooth対応/コントローラブル・ノイズキャンセレーション機能搭載/リモコン・マイク付き ブラック QuietControl30 WLSS BLK【国内正規品】”]